Monday, December 3, 2012

The Continuing Rise Of Comic Book Films

I actually had to laugh a little to myself while reading through some articles to investigate why comic book films have risen to such great heights. In an article by Stylus in 2003, they write, "expect to see comic book adaptions featured as major studio releases at least through the summer of 2004, and possibly beyond."

If you're getting a little ahead of me here, I'm sure you've figured out why I am sitting here giggling. First of all, it is now 2012, almost 2013 really, and one thing that has completely taken over hollywood are these comic book adaptions, so the fact that they say "possibly beyond," was probably the biggest understatement of their entire existence.

Now back to the question: Why are comic book movie adaptions so freakin' popular? I think one particular reason could be because of the extreme popularity these comics had before they were movies, and once the traditional comic book nerds found out that their favorite genre was going to be turned into a numerous amount of movies, they freaked. THE GRAPHICS. THE SPECIAL EFFECTS. It would be like the comic book was coming alive on a huge screen, and boy were they right. The action scenes that these kids pictured in their heads for all of their lives would soon be seen in front of their eyes - the exact way I felt after reading all of the Harry Potter books and being able to see this world that I pictured so vividly come alive in my head.

As I talked about in a previous blog, the amount of success comic books had in the world only demonstrates the same success that the film adaptions would have in the future. Once one movie came out, the viewers wanted more, had to have more - the success of movies like Batman and Spider Man pretty much justify how the popularity of these movies would continue over time. Since the release of Superman in 1978, there have been a numerous amount of Batman movies, a Spider Man trilogy, the start of a new Spider Man saga, The Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Daredevil, Elektra, Green Lantern, Ghost Rider, Hell Boy, Justice League, Kick-Ass, The Mask, a Men In Black trilogy, Scott Pilgram Vs. The World, Watchmen, Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles, V For Vendetta, X Men, and so many others. Some of these I didn't even know were based off comics.

Not only do comic book fans get to see their vivid imaginations on screen, Hollywood picks some really awesome actors to portray these characters, which probably adds to their extreme popularity in the magical world of film-making.


Hutlock, Todd, and Jay Millikan. "Triumph of the Fanboy: The Rise of the Comic Book Film in Hollywood - Article - Stylus Magazine." Stylus. Stylus, 10 Nov. 2003. Web. 3 Dec. 2012.

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